Monday, December 6, 2010


So after spending all my nice time making a cleaner format, I instead went crazy on this character in a formless and logicless ( a word?) collage of shame. Such is art.

Today from Ghost Notes comes Lee Isaacs, an evil white man with a dark past.... The rest I keep mysterious for fear of the wrath of my writer.

Project Ghost Notes is heating up. You'll see more turn arounds in the previous "Du-Slai" format. Also, we haven't seen any good guys in my posts yet? What's up with that?! Good guys are coming. Bad guys are very much fun to draw.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


A couple of Notes and Tweaks and Variations? Hmm.....what could it all mean?

Stay Tuned.

- A

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

GHOST NOTES - Meet Anton

So aside from working my keister off on my LAST HIT project, I'm working on a graphic novel with my homie, Dave G., called "Ghost Notes" I decided to make a format for the characters I'll be designing/drawing for the project.  To offer a little teaser Ghost Notes is going to be a epic large cast comic with influences from LOST, FRINGE, and having Music as a huge theme.

Here is a rendition of our rock-star antagonist character....Anton Du-Slai  


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Tony Castillo : 3D Model Update

Whew! Been retooling this guy over the last couple of days. I'd say about another hour or two of tweaks, and this guy will be ready for texturing and z-brush! Got plenty of new notes from my animatic, so after a few side projects I'll hurry up and finish that.

Also, I owe these fast-modeled hands to this awesome tutorial.

- A

Monday, November 1, 2010

"The Last Hit" Animatic. The first 6 minutes of storyboards for my short film.

About 4 years ago in college i came up with this idea for my demo reel. In the years that have passed, I've picked this back up, put it down, rehashed, re-tossed, and now finally, reworked. I'll be using this story as a basis for a few different animation demo reels, and hopefully get myself a job soon!

It's only the first 6 minutes, as i started modeling while working on it, but I hope to finish the rest soon.

Enjoy!  :)

- A

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Re-modelling of Tony "The Castle" Castillo

In getting back in the swing of 3D again, I've fast-tracked the modeling of a few characters from "The Last Hit" , a short story I've been working on for months, and in my head for longer.  

This will probably be the third time in so many years that I've taken a crack at modeling Mob Boss Tony "The Castle" Castillo. I definitely think it's the best one this far, being as i don't suck nearly as much as i did in college. 

Busting my butt to get this working, hopefully will have a face-rig test done tommorow!

- Manthony

Friday, October 8, 2010

Fun with Advanced Skeleton Pro

In my former job, we had to make a lot of quick rigs. Advanced Skeleton Pro ( ) was a big help at setting up simple rigs very fast, but it has a lot of additionally cool features that i'm just getting used to.

Here is quick sample of a rig that took less than half an hour to organize, and maybe an additional 30 minutes for painting weights. Advanced Skeleton Pro does the rest!

Apologies on the shotty image quality. Camtasia killed my graphics card, but it looks strangely appropriate with Depeche Mode playing.


Hey Yall!

It seems that I find myself without the proper software to fix my poor forgotten website. No matter! I'm hip! I'm with it! I'll carve out a small piece of the digital blogosphere with these ready-made tools and become somebody! Yes.....someone important. Someone with a beard, and more than two pairs of sandals......

Stick around kid. It's gonna get crazy.

- Manthony   DAY ONE